Tynsoe SSH Tunnel Manager 2.2.7


Free Download Tynsoe SSH Tunnel Manager is the latest standalone offline installer for macOS. It is a means of securely connecting two networks using the SSH protocol.

Overview of Tynsoe SSH Tunnel Manager for macOS

It is a powerful application designed to simplify the management of SSH tunnels, providing a secure means to connect two networks. It caters to novice and seasoned professionals with an intuitive interface, fundamental authentication, dynamic port forwarding, and customizable preferences.

Features of Tynsoe SSH Tunnel Manager for macOS

  • Intuitive Interface: It boasts a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both novices and seasoned users. The intuitive design simplifies the creation and management of SSH tunnels.
  • Profile Management: Users can create and save multiple profiles, allowing for easy switching between different SSH tunnel configurations. This feature is particularly beneficial for individuals managing various network connections.
  • Dynamic Port Forwarding: It supports dynamic port forwarding, a feature that enables the creation of secure tunnels for dynamic applications, enhancing the security and flexibility of network connections.
  • Key Authentication: For enhanced security, it supports key-based authentication. Users can configure the application to use SSH keys, adding an extra layer of protection to their tunnel connections.
  • Automated Reconnection: In the event of a connection loss, SSH Tunnel Manager can automatically attempt to reconnect, ensuring a seamless experience even in less-than-ideal network conditions.
  • Customizable Preferences: Users can fine-tune their tunnel configurations by adjusting various preferences within the application. Customization options include tunnel timeout settings, log verbosity, and more.
  • Status Indicator: It provides a clear status indicator for each active tunnel, allowing users to assess the health of their connections quickly at a glance.
  • Proxy Support: The application supports proxy configurations, enabling users to route their traffic through proxies for additional anonymity and security.
  • Scriptable Actions: Advanced users can take advantage of the scriptable actions feature, allowing the automation of specific tasks and actions related to SSH tunnel management.
  • Dark Mode Compatibility: It seamlessly integrates with Dark Mode, ensuring a visually pleasing and cohesive experience for users who prefer the darker interface.

Technical Details and System Requirements

macOS 10.11 or later


Q: Is there a limit to the number of profiles I can create?
A: No, you can create and save as many profiles as you need.

Q: Does it support IPv6?
A: Yes, the application is compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6.


It is a robust solution for individuals seeking efficient and secure management of SSH tunnels. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with a rich set of features, makes it a valuable addition to the toolkit of network administrators, developers, and anyone appreciating the power of secure network connections. Its seamless integration and compatibility with various SSH configurations make it a reliable companion for those navigating the intricate landscape of secure network communication on their devices.


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