Roland Cloud SYSTEM-100 v1.1.3


Free download Roland Cloud SYSTEM-100 for Windows PC. This Synthesizer transports the timeless essence of the original hardware into the digital realm, providing musicians, producers, and sound designers with an incredible tool to craft innovative sounds. This Synthesizer embodies the soul of vintage analog sound while presenting an interface tailored to the modern era.

Features of Roland Cloud SYSTEM-100

Unleash Your Creativity with Versatile Sound Design

At the heart of the SYSTEM-100 is its dual-oscillator architecture, allowing you to generate a wide spectrum of tones, from rich and warm basses to shimmering lead sounds. With the software version, you're not limited by the physical constraints of hardware, which means you can create an even more extensive array of sounds limited only by your imagination.

Modular Routing: Endless Possibilities

One of the standout features is its modular routing capabilitieYouyou can shape your sound by routing signals through various modules, adjusting parameters, and creating unique sonic landscapes. It's like having your own virtual modular synthesizer playground at your fingertips, enabling you to experiment with patches and configurations to your heart's content.

Intuitive User Interface for Effortless Operation

Don't be intimidated by the complexity of modular synthesis. The SYSTEM-100 software synthesizer boasts an intuitive user interface that strikes a harmonious balance between functionality and ease of you harmoniously. Whether you're a seasoned synth veteran or a newcomer to sound design, you'll find the interface inviting and empowering.

Real-Time Control and Automation

Bring your performances to life with real-time control and automation capabilities. Tweak parameters, manipulate filters, and modulate oscillators on the fly. This dynamic interaction between you and the synth adds a layer of expressiveness to your music, making each performance truly unique.

Infinite Soundscapes, Seamless Integration

The Roland Cloud SYSTEM-10y integrates into your digital audio workstation (DAW), allowing you to effortlessly incorporate its exceptional sound palette into your music production workflow. From electronic dance music to ambient soundscapes, the SYSTEM-100 is your partner in crafting the sonic world you envision.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 8, 10 or 11
  • Processor: Multi-core processor, 2.5 GHz or faster
  • RAM: 8 GB or more
  • Hard Drive: 200 MB available space
  • Internet connection: for software activation and updates


In the ever-evolving music production and synthesis landscape, the Roland Cloud SYSTEM-100 Software Synthesizer stands out as a testament to sound design's past, present, and future. Its fusion of vintage analog charm and modern digital capabilities empowers you to sculpt sounds that resonate with your artistic vision.


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