Platone Studio Delay44 v1.0.0


Free download Platone Studio Delay44 for Windows PC. It's a comprehensive sound manipulation tool that combines the power of two delays, offering a range of features that allow you to dive deep into sound design. This plugin is designed for those who want to explore the extraordinary and push the boundaries of creativity.

Features of Platone Studio Delay44

Double Trouble: Two Delays in One

Delay44 sets itself apart by combining two delays into a single plugin. This dynamic duo allows you to experiment with layering and synchronizing delays to create intricate and captivating soundscapes. As you craft evolving echoes, intricate rhythms, and mesmerizing sonic textures, imagine the possibilities.

EQ Shape: Unleash Wild Sound Effects

One of the standout features is the EQ Shape function. This innovative feature lets you automatically generate wild sound effects. Sculpt your sound precisely by shaping the frequency spectrum to match your creative vision. Whether aiming for futuristic swooshes or vintage warmth, EQ Shape is your ticket to sonic experimentation.

Autopan: Embrace Stereo Wideness

Tired of a flat, monotonous sound? Delay44's Autopan option comes to the rescue. Elevate your audio by adjusting stereo wideness with ease. Add movement and dimension to your soundstage, immersing your listeners in a rich, engaging, captivating sonic landscape.

Explore Different Ambients

Take your sound on a journey through various physical environments with Delay44's Ambient options. Choose from various ambiance types to place your sounds in different sonic spaces. Whether you aim to replicate a cathedral's acoustics or the intimacy of a small room, the Ambients feature offers a diverse palette for sonic exploration.

Endless Customization: Your Sonic Playground

While Delay44 has nine built-in presets to kickstart your creativity, its true power lies in its customization capabilities. Rearrange and tweak settings to your heart's content, transforming the plugin into a virtually infinite sonic playground. Use it to uncover fresh sonic ideas and explore uncharted auditory territories.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 8.1 or above
  • Processor: Minimum Intel Core i3
  • RAM: 2GB or higher
  • Disk Space: 100 MB for installation
  • Plugin Format: VST 2, VST 3 compatible DAW


Platone Studio Delay44 is more than a delay plugin – it's a gateway to sonic innovation. With its dual delays, EQ Shape, Autopan, and Ambients features, this plugin empowers you to craft sounds that transcend the ordinary. Explore, experiment, and immerse yourself in sound design like never before.


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