Modalics EON-Arp 1.0.2

Free Download Modalics EON-Arp for Windows PC. It is an arpeggiator offering unparalleled rhythmic and melodic control, allowing users to shape intricate, beautiful, and highly musical phrases easily. This powerful tool opens up a world of possibilities, where time and space become relative, and creativity knows no bounds.

Overview of Modalics EON-Arp

It is not your typical arpeggiator. It stands out with its unmatched flexibility, offering 11 pitch positions and up to 128 steps for each pattern. This means users can edit every note position and length, either quantized or free-form, giving them precise control over their musical expressions.

Time & Space are Relative

One of the most distinctive features is its ability to control step length, pattern length, or mix and match both options over eight arp snapshots per preset. This versatility allows musicians to craft rhythms and melodies that transcend traditional boundaries, exploring new sonic landscapes.

Unmatched Flexibility

As previously mentioned, it boasts unparalleled flexibility. With 11 pitch positions and up to 128 steps available, artists can dive deep into their creative visions, experimenting with various musical elements. The option for free or quantized editing of note positions and lengths provides even more control over the final sound.

Exploring Rhythmic & Melodic Contours

It equips users with all the necessary tools to venture into uncharted territory regarding rhythm and melody. Aiming for groovy chord chops or intricate polyrhythmic melodies, it facilitates your artistic journey.

Rhythmic Mastery Made Simple

It is designed with a user-friendly interface that empowers musicians of all skill levels to achieve rhythmic mastery effortlessly. The arpeggiator's intuitive controls and layout make experimenting with different patterns, tempos, and rhythms easy, ensuring that inspiration flows without obstacles.

Unlocking Melodic Potential

Beyond its rhythmic capabilities, it allows artists to explore the full potential of their melodies. By providing extensive control over note positions and lengths, musicians can craft intricate and captivating melodic sequences that leave a lasting impression on listeners.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • Disk Space: 500MB of free space
  • Audio Interface: ASIO-compatible audio hardware recommended


Modalics EON-Arp is more than just an arpeggiator; it's a gateway to unlimited creativity. With its unparalleled rhythmic and melodic control, musicians can effortlessly shape their musical ideas into reality. Whether you're a seasoned producer or an aspiring musician, it opens up new dimensions for your musical expressions.


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