Free Download Ironclad Rivet AI for Windows PC. It is a visual programming environment for building AI agents with Large Language Models (LLMs). It provides a graph-based interface for designing and iterating on prompt graphs, which can then be executed directly within this. It is a game-changer for individuals seeking to harness the power of language models.

Overview of Rivet AI

It is a beacon in visual programming environments tailored for constructing AI agents equipped with LLMs (Language Models). Its primary function revolves around enabling users to iterate on their prompts efficiently. In simpler terms, it provides a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to build, test, and refine AI agents without delving into complex coding structures.

The Open-Source Advantage

One of the standout features is its open-source nature. Open source means the source code is freely available for anyone to inspect, modify, and enhance. This not only fosters collaboration but also ensures transparency and innovation. This open-source tool allows a community of developers to contribute, creating a dynamic environment that constantly evolves with AI advancements.

Visual AI Programming Made Accessible

It simplifies the intricate process of AI programming by incorporating a visual approach. Instead of grappling with lines of code, users can drag and drop components, visually connecting the dots to create their AI agents. This approach not only makes AI programming more accessible for beginners but also accelerates the development process for seasoned professionals.

Built and Used by Enthusiasts

It's a tool crafted by and for AI enthusiasts. The community surrounding them comprises individuals passionate about pushing the boundaries of AI. This collaborative spirit ensures it stays on the cutting edge of technology, incorporating user feedback and staying relevant in an ever-evolving field.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
  • Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
  • RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 200MB or more is recommended


Rivet AI is a powerful and accessible tool for anyone keen on exploring the vast realm of AI programming. Its visual approach, open-source community, and iterative capabilities make it an indispensable asset for beginners and seasoned AI enthusiasts. With this software, the journey into the world of artificial intelligence becomes not just a task but an engaging and creative exploration.


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