Crave DSP Crave Transient EQ 1.0.6


Free Download Crave DSP Crave Transient EQ for Windows PC. It is a powerful plugin that combines three EQs into one, allowing you to dynamically equalize your audio's transient and stationary components in parallel.

Overview of Crave DSP Crave Transient EQ

It utilizes an in-house proprietary algorithm to separate audio into transient and stationary components accurately. The plugin provides independent control over these components using the per-band T/S knob, revealing sharper detail rather than isolating percussion instruments' onset.

For example, on a vocal track, the stationary signal contains all the smooth musical elements, while the transient signal captures all the harsh, rapidly changing inharmonic elements.

Transient and Stationary EQ

Controlling transient and stationary components separately is a game-changer in audio processing. Its innovative approach allows you to sculpt your audio precisely, enhancing your tracks' punch and clarity. Whether you're working on drums, vocals, or any other instrument, this dynamic EQ capability gives you unparalleled control over your sound.

Dynamic EQ

It goes beyond traditional EQs by offering four types of dynamics processing: downward compression, upward compression, downward expansion, and upward expansion. To make this process user-friendly, the plugin introduces Loud and Quiet buttons.

When you set a band to "Loud," it activates when the signal exceeds the threshold, while setting it to "Quiet" makes the band kick in when the signal falls below the threshold. This intuitive approach lets you easily boost or cut your audio's quiet or loud parts.

Parallel EQ

Parallel EQs provide a more transparent approach to dynamics processing, as they interact less with each other than cascaded filters. Its parallel filters rapidly modulate parameters and signals, resulting in transparent dynamics and precise transient handling. The M/S and L/R knobs enable accurate positioning of parallel filters in the stereo field, enhancing the spatial dimension of your audio.

High-Resolution Spectrogram

The plugin features a high-resolution spectrogram that can distinguish low frequencies while maintaining precise temporal resolution at high frequencies, even at maximum settings. Transients are highlighted in yellow, making them easy to differentiate from stationary content. To fully appreciate the spectrogram's details, open the Analyzer menu and choose the largest size.

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
  • RAM: 4GB or more
  • Display: 1280x800 resolution or higher
  • Audio: VST2, VST3, or AAX-compatible DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)


Crave DSP Crave Transient EQ is a versatile and powerful plugin that brings three powerful EQs into one unified tool. Its ability to dynamically equalize your audio's transient and stationary components in parallel provides unprecedented control over your sound. With features like dynamic EQ, parallel EQ, and a high-resolution spectrogram, this plugin empowers audio professionals and enthusiasts alike to achieve stunning results in their audio projects.


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