NordLocker for MacOS Download (Latest 2024) - FileCR

Free download NordLocker for MacOS Latest Offline Installer - Secure and encrypted cloud storage.


Free Download NordLocker's latest standalone offline installer for macOS. It delivers a seamless and secure end-to-end encrypted cloud storage solution, ensuring the protection and accessibility of sensitive files from any web browser.

Overview of NordLocker for macOS

It redefines secure cloud storage by offering end-to-end encryption, providing users with a robust solution to safeguard their sensitive files. Its user-friendly interface and customizable security settings make it a versatile choice. With features like file versioning, two-factor authentication, and automatic backup, it ensures privacy and accessibility. Whether collaborating securely, accessing files offline, or benefiting from the convenience of web browser access, it is a comprehensive and reliable encrypted storage solution.

Features of NordLocker for macOS

  • End-to-End Encryption: Employs state-of-the-art encryption algorithms to protect your files from unauthorized access throughout their journey.
  • Secure Cloud Storage: Benefit from a safe, cloud-based solution that guarantees your files' safety without compromising accessibility.
  • File Versioning: Enables users to access previous versions of their files, providing a safety net against accidental changes or deletions.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: Enhance the security of your account by enabling two-factor authentication, adding an extra layer of protection to your encrypted files.
  • File Sharing: Collaborate securely with colleagues or share files with friends using an encrypted file-sharing feature.
  • Automatic Backup: Enjoy peace of mind with the automatic backup feature, ensuring your essential files are consistently protected without manual intervention.
  • Offline Access: Access your encrypted files even offline, ensuring that your data is always within reach, regardless of your internet connection status.
  • Customizable Security Settings: Allows for a personalized and optimized user experience.

Technical Details and System Requirements

macOS 11.3 (Big Sur) or later


It is a reliable and user-friendly solution for individuals seeking robust encryption and secure cloud storage. Its versatile features and commitment to user privacy ensure that your sensitive data remains under your control. Embrace the power of encryption, fortifying your digital world against potential threats while enjoying the convenience of web browser accessibility.


Q: Is it compatible with other cloud storage providers?
A: It is a standalone encrypted cloud storage solution; however, it can complement other cloud storage services, providing an additional layer of security.

Q: How does it ensure the privacy of my files?
A: It employs end-to-end encryption, meaning only you have the keys to access your files. Encryption takes place on your device before files are uploaded to the cloud.

Q: What happens if I forget my password?
A: It has a password recovery option that utilizes your recovery key. Ensure you keep your recovery key secure to regain access in such cases.


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