MUDClient 2022.15


Free Download Hankinsoft MUDClient full version standalone offline installer for macOS. This is a simple but powerful multi-user dungeon client.

Overview of MUDClient for macOS

The software program enables users to connect and interact with MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) - a text-based online multiplayer role-playing game. You might be looking for one that's compatible with your system.

Features of MUDClient for macOS

  • Javascript-based scripting: Javascript is one of the most popular languages in existence. MUD Client takes advantage of this, allowing scripts to be written for aliases and triggers.
  • ANSI colors: A full range of ANSI colors is supported. Everything from foreground colors, background colors, underlines, and even blinking text.
  • It allows you to customize your gaming interface to suit your preferences. You can adjust the font size, color, and style of the text, change the background color, and even add images.
  • The software offers support for scripting languages like Lua and Python. This enables you to automate repetitive tasks and create custom commands to improve your gaming experience.
  • You can open multiple windows to view different parts of the game simultaneously. This feature enables you to keep track of multiple conversations and events happening in the game.
  • It offers plugin support, enabling you to enhance the software's functionality. You can install plugins to add new features, such as sound effects, triggers, and timers.

Custom functionality

The scripting is written ground up for macOS and includes support for interacting with the status bar, system notifications, and the app icon badge. This allows for advanced actions such as displaying HP in the macOS status bar/app badge or allowing you to send notifications when a creature has been killed.

Technical Details and System Requirements

  • macOS 12.0 or later

Frequently Asked Questions

Q2. Can I customize the interface?
A2. Yes, you can customize the interface by adjusting the font size, color, and style of the text, changing the background color, and adding images.

Q3. Does it support scripting languages?
A3. Yes, it supports scripting languages like Lua and Python.

Q4. Can I use plugins?
A4. Yes, you can use plugins to enhance its functionality.


This is an excellent option with its customizable interface, scripting support, multi-window support, and plugin support; it offers a great gaming experience. Plus, it's free and open-source, making it accessible to all. 


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