Vegas Audio Drumslot v2.0


Free Download Vegas Audio Drumslot full version standalone offline installer for macOS. It is a revolutionary drum layering plugin. It combines the transient, middle, and tail of 3 different samples to create one never heard before sound.

Overview of Vegas Audio Drumslot for macOS

This software offers a wide range of features and is specifically designed to meet the needs of modern music producers. The plugin has two modes.
“Multi-Mode” allows you to create drum combinations easily, such as kicks, snares, and claps, and “Cut Mode” uses an intelligent algorithm to combine the transient, middle, and tail of 3 different samples to create one never heard before sound.

Features of Vegas Audio Drumslot for macOS

  • Customizable Drum Kits: With Vegas Audio Drumslot, you can create your custom drum kits by selecting from a wide range of drum sounds
  • Powerful Sequencer: The built-in sequencer allows you to create complex drum patterns and rhythms easily
  • MIDI Support: Vegas Audio Drumslot supports MIDI, allowing you to control the software with your favorite MIDI controller
  • Built-In Effects: The software comes with a variety of built-in effects, including reverb, delay, and distortion
  • Drag and Drop Interface: The intuitive drag and drop interface makes it easy to add and manipulate drum sounds
  • Pitch, filter, gain, and ADSR functions to perfect your sound

Technical Details and System Requirements

  • macOS 10.12 or Later


Q: Is it easy to use?
A: Yes, it is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

Q: Can I use it with other music software?
A: It can be used as a plugin in other music software, such as Ableton Live or Logic Pro X.

Q: What types of drum sounds are included?
A: It includes various drum sounds, including acoustic drums, electronic drums, and percussion instruments.

Q: Does it support multiple outputs?
A: The software supports up to 16 outputs, allowing you to route each drum sound to its channel in your DAW.


It is an excellent choice for music producers looking for a powerful and versatile drum machine. With its customizable drum kits, powerful sequencer, and built-in effects, this software offers everything you need to create unique and powerful drum tracks. 


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