Xproguard Password Manager 1.1.2


Free Download Xproguard Password Manager Pro MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android Phones and Tablets. Remembers all your passwords for you.

Overview of Xproguard Password Manager Pro APK for Android

It is an Android app designed to keep your online credentials secure and easily accessible. With this app, you can store all your login details, credit card information, secure notes, and other sensitive data in one encrypted vault. The app utilizes robust encryption algorithms to protect your information from unauthorized access.

Features Xproguard Password Manager

Secure Password Storage

It employs advanced encryption techniques to store your passwords securely. The app generates strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts, reducing the risk of password breaches.

Biometric Authentication

Accessing your password vault is seamless and secure with biometric authentication. You can use fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock the app, providing an extra layer of protection.

Cross-Platform Sync

It allows you to sync your data across multiple devices seamlessly. This feature ensures you can access your passwords and data from your Android phone, tablet, or other compatible device.

Auto-Fill and Auto-Login

Say goodbye to the hassle of typing passwords repeatedly. Its auto-fill and auto-login features work with supported apps and websites, saving time and effort.

Password Strength Analysis

The app evaluates your existing passwords and provides a password strength analysis. This helps you identify weak passwords and replace them with stronger alternatives.

Secure Notes and Credit Cards

Apart from passwords, you can also store secure notes and credit card information within the app. This feature is ideal for securely storing personal details, private documents, or financial data.


It is a feature-rich Android app that takes your data protection seriously. Its advanced security features, seamless cross-platform sync, and time-saving auto-fill make it a must-have for anyone with multiple online accounts. By choosing Xproguard Password Manager, you can bid farewell to the headache of password management and welcome a secure and efficient solution to safeguard your digital life.


Q: How secure is Xproguard Password Manager?
A: It ensures top-notch security through strong encryption algorithms and biometric authentication. Your data is encrypted and can only be accessed by you.

Q: Can I import passwords from other password managers?
A: It allows you to import passwords from other password managers, simplifying migration.

Q: What happens if I forget my master password?
A: It employs a robust encryption system that ensures your master password cannot be retrieved or reset. It is essential to remember your master password, as it grants access to your vault.


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