
Free Download Oasis Feng Island APK for Android Phones and Tablets. It offers a versatile solution, combining privacy protection and enhanced functionality, allowing users to isolate, clone, freeze, and hide apps on their devices.

Overview of Island APK for Android

This powerful application empowers users with a suite of features to enhance privacy and functionality. Whether isolating apps for privacy protection, running parallel instances through cloning, freezing apps to block background behaviors, or hiding apps for various reasons, it provides a versatile platform for users to tailor their digital experience.

Features of the App

  • Isolate Apps for Privacy Protection: Allows users to isolate specific apps, creating a distinct space for them. This feature ensures enhanced privacy, preventing other applications from accessing sensitive data.
  • Clone Apps for Parallel Running: The cloning feature enables users to run parallel instances of the same app, perfect for managing multiple accounts without constantly logging in and out.
  • Freeze Apps to Block Background Behaviors: Users can freeze apps, halting their background activities. This is beneficial for optimizing device performance and controlling battery consumption.
  • Hide Apps for Various Reasons: Provides an option to hide apps, offering users the flexibility to keep specific applications discreet for security or organizational purposes.
  • Selective VPN Usage: Users can apply a VPN only on one side of the app or choose different VPNs for each side, enhancing privacy and security for specific applications.

System Requirements

  • Android 7.0+


The app stands out as a versatile application that addresses privacy concerns and the need for enhanced functionality. With features like app isolation, cloning, freezing, and selective VPN usage, it offers users a comprehensive toolkit to customize their digital environment. As our reliance on mobile applications grows, tools like these become essential for maintaining control and safeguarding privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I uninstall and obliterate the app?
A: To uninstall, go to "Settings - Scoped Settings - Island" and select "Destroy Island." If the Island app has been uninstalled, remove the work profile in your device settings under "Settings - Accounts."

Q: Why does it require device-administrator privilege?
A: Device-administrator privilege is necessary to create the fundamental functionality of the space (work profile), which ensures the proper isolation and functioning of apps.

Q: What is the purpose of the PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS permission?
A: PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS permission is required for the app to accurately recognize the running state of apps, ensuring that features like app isolation and freezing work effectively. Users will be explicitly asked for consent before granting this permission.


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