AZIP Master- ZIP / RAR, Unzip 3.9.4

AZIP Master- ZIP / RAR, Unzip Mod APK Free Download - FileCR

Free download AZIP Master- ZIP / RAR, Unzip 3.9.4 Pro MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android. Extract RAR / ZIP, Unzip files.

Free Download AZIP Master - ZIP / RAR, Unzip PRO MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android Phones and Tablets. Extract RAR / ZIP Unzip files is an application that supports decompressing ZIP / RAR / 7Z files.

Overview of AZIP Master - ZIP RAR Extractor

A reliable ZIP RAR extractor app on your Android device is essential. It is a feature-rich application designed to handle ZIP and RAR files seamlessly.

Key Features of AZIP Master - ZIP RAR Extractor

Easy File Extraction

It simplifies the extraction process for ZIP and RAR files. With just a few taps, you can effortlessly extract the contents of compressed archives, including documents, images, videos, and more. The app ensures a smooth and hassle-free extraction experience.

Archive Creation

Apart from extraction, It enables you to create ZIP archives directly from your Android device. Whether you want to compress multiple files into a single archive or split large files into smaller parts, this app offers a convenient solution for all your archiving needs.

File Compression

This app allows you to compress files and folders, helping you save storage space on your Android device. By reducing the size of files and directories, you can easily manage your storage capacity and transfer files more efficiently.

File Management

This allows you to manage your files and folders effectively. The app provides features like file renaming, copying, moving, and deleting, ensuring seamless organization of your compressed archives and extracted files.

Password Protection

Security is a priority when dealing with sensitive or confidential files. This allows you to encrypt and password-protect your ZIP and RAR archives, ensuring your data remains secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users.


It is a powerful ZIP RAR extractor app for Android devices that simplifies handling compressed files and folders. With its user-friendly interface, easy extraction, archive creation, file compression, and robust file management features, AZIP Master offers a comprehensive solution for all your archiving needs. Whether you're a casual user or a professional, this app is a valuable tool to enhance your file management experience on Android.


Q: Can it extract password-protected ZIP and RAR files?
A: Yes, it can support password-protected ZIP and RAR files. You can enter the correct password to extract the contents of these protected archives.

Q: Can I extract files from archives stored in cloud storage services?
A: Yes, this app allows you to extract files directly from cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. This feature eliminates the need to download the entire archive to your device.

Q: Does it support archive formats other than ZIP and RAR?
A: It primarily focuses on ZIP and RAR file formats. However, future updates may introduce support for additional archive formats.


Previous version

Additional info
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.9.2
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.9.1
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.9.0
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP-RAR, Unzip v3.8.9
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.8.6
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.8.5
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.8.3
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP - RAR, Unzip v3.8.1
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP RAR, Unzip v3.8.0
File Name:AZIP Master - ZIP RAR Extractor v3.7.7


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